The latest

What with the Jewish new year last week, chemo and a medical surprise, I haven't had time to write lately. Here is a recap of the latest.

Even though Rosh Hashanah came at the end of my weekly chemo cycle, I overdid it with baking and socializing on Sunday. By Monday morning I didn't have enough energy to go to services, even to see Rik receive the honor of being called to the Torah. (Evidently at 9:20 am I was moaning, "I'm getting up," even as Rik was getting ready to walk out the door.) We did manage to enjoy lunch with friends on Monday.

On Tuesday I actually made it to synagogue for the second day of the holiday, just in time to hear the shofar blown. There is also one part of the new year's service that I love. We bow before God, as in the daily prayer services, but on Rosh Hashanah one can choose to actually prostrate, getting down on the floor and kneeling. I have done this along with the cantorial soloist for many years, partly because I want to know that I can, and partly because this is the one moment in the year when I acknowledge that I don't have control over everything in life. By kneeling before God, I remind myself that it's not all about me. I believe God has a plan, even if I don't know it or can't understand it.

Okay, back to last week.

On Wednesday afternoon I had chemo. When I woke up in the morning, I did something rare and unusual. I called the Amazing and Wonderful Nurse Jacque to say that I felt awful, my feet were in terrible shape from the neuropathy, I'd had an indifferent holiday at best, and to please ask Dr G to consider dropping one of the two chemos. Dr G agreed to drop the Taxol and only give me the carboplatin.

I also complained about a possible urinary tract infection and later I gave a sample to be tested for infection. Dr G prescribed something to help with the frequent need to urinate, which actually hasn't helped much. I'm waiting for tomorrow to call Nurse Jacque about the final results of the urinalysis and hopefully get an antibiotic. Even if it's only a slight infection, something has been going on for ten days. And if it's not an infection, what is it?

While at chemo Dr G decided my red blood cell count was borderline and would likely dip further after that dose of carboplatin. He ordered a blood transfusion. Surprise!

Thursday I went to my support group as usual. The nurses at the wound center changed my chest bandage and decided it hadn't healed much in two weeks. My former port-a-cath site is almost completely healed. At last some good news! The doctor in the wound center said keep on with what we're doing and that he'd been in touch with Dr G about possible options. I see Dr G this week and will learn more then.

The blood transfusion took all of Friday, mostly because I couldn't get up early in the morning. A friend visited until I started to drowse from the IV Benadryl. I slept for more than an hour and missed my 1 pm visitor. Thankfully she came back, brought lunch, and we had a good talk. Good surprises in the making!

I'm still having insomnia, even with my naturopathic doctor's recommendation of WellMind. Last night I didn't fall asleep until almost 2 am. My feet still hurt tremendously. I'm now taking medication for high blood pressure likely caused by the chemo. This has been a rough time. I look forward to a week or so break from chemo.

As I said, I see Dr G later this week and hope to have a plan, even if it's another brain MRI. Let's hope the carboplatin lowers my tumor markers and has killed some brain mets!

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