What is Stres..?

healthydailymail.com "Health News" Stress is one of those words that we use so often it can be hard to know what it means. Stress comes in different degrees: Is what you're feeling stress, Stress, or STRESS?

Everyday Stress
When we're talking about the first level of stress, we mean the usual pressures of everyday life. For example:
The stress of juggling everything you need to fit into a busy week. This is the kind of stress you might feel if you have a term paper deadline plus a math exam tomorrow, and you need to find time to do your normal homework, tutor the kid you mentor, and hey, don't forget dance class.
The stress you feel before an event that makes you nervous. This is the stress that makes your palms sweat before you recite your lines in the school play, give a presentation to your class, or buckle up to take your driver's test.

The lingering stress you feel over things that happen in your daily life. Maybe it's a misunderstanding with a good friend or stewing over whether you'll ask your crush to a party.
Everyday stressors are not always easy, but they're not big disasters either. In fact, a bit of everyday stress can actually be good. For example, the stress most of us feel before presenting in class boosts our adrenaline and helps us perform at our best.

The more practice we get at handling everyday challenges, the better we get at dealing with challenges in general. The better we get at dealing, the less stressed out we feel. It's like learning to ride a bike as a kid: Bumps in the road can look pretty scary when you're wobbly and first starting out. But the more bumps we take, the more confident we become. Before we know it, we're balanced and in control.

Everyday stress simply calls our awareness to a situation that needs attention. It reminds us to slow down, steady ourselves, focus, and get ready. We tackle these everyday stressors by studying for exams, practicing a class presentation, or thinking about how to work it out with a friend. Once we get to work on finding a way to solve the problem, the pressure and stress ease.

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